Sale your property
By becoming a Vendeur Immobilier Privilégié, you get an exclusive marketing plan and our services to :
- Respect a defined marketing plan with you ;
- Perform recovery within a week all clients listed in our files and whose application is your good ;
- Spread your apartment with our french network and world network ;
- Benefit from all the resources of the agency, including the presentation of your property on the Internet, specialized press and on showcase in our agencies ;
- Justify by mail on real-time all our actions ;
- Submit the identity of visitors and the result of each visit ;
- Inform you of developments and market trends that may affect your well ;
- Inform you of any offer for sale of a property comparable to yours ;
- Transmit any offer or written proposal within 48 hours ;
- Inform you of the legal and tax aspects of the sale and secure your transaction.
The agency supported me well, they were very professional and I was well informed.
A perfect follow-up and we were informed until the purchase of the apartment and it is very professional.
To summarize: Speed / efficiency / availability I highly recommend